Exam Results
We are immensely proud of our record breaking 2024 A Level and GCSE results.
A-Level Results 2024:
47% of all A Level entries were A*-A and 75% were A*-B. Our students are now off to a range of the UK's most prestigious universities, including The University of Cambridge. Students are going to study a variety of competitive courses, including Engineering, Law and Forensic Science.
Many of our Year 11 students are continuing their studies in our Sixth Form and we look forward to seeing their progress.
GCSE Results 2024:
This summer we saw yet another phenomenal jump in GCSE results: An impressive 89% of students achieved a grade four or above in both English and maths, with 41% of all grades 7+.
Our overall Progress 8 score was +1.32, which puts us in the top 0.5% of the country for Progress. Our Pupil Premium students got a Progress 8 score of +0.87. Overall, students achieved a phenomenal +1:59 progress in English (9th in the country); +1:53 progress in Maths (11th in the country; +1.12 in EBacc and +1.21 in the Open Bucket - all putting us 16th in the country for GCSE progress.
Click here to see our press releases and more photos of the students on results day. Use the drop-down menu on the graph below to see key GCSE results data:
At TTA, we pride ourselves on finding the balance of being an academically rigorous school in a nurturing and inclusive environment. We base a lot of our philosophy on the book ‘Drive’, by Daniel Pink in our aim to equip students and staff with the tools for internal motivation. We want to foster students’ love of learning and doing the right thing - not for external reward, but because it is the right thing to do. Students walk into their GCSEs and A-levels smiling, having just completed our famous ‘TTA Chant’ and excited to show off their knowledge and skills. In any classroom, the teacher can say “Mistakes” and the students will chant back: “Learn from them.” Students are reminded that we all make mistakes and the important thing is what we learn from these. We have an incredible balance of engrossed classrooms, outstanding results, and a kind, inclusive environment in which students feel supported in all that they do.
Department for Education
Our 2024 GCSE results marked another significant step forward in the achievement of our students. Our 2024 results, as well as our Progress 8 scores of +1.03 in 2022, +0.9 in 2023, (2024 Progress 8 scores will be published in the next two weeks) put us consistently in the top 1-2% od schools nationally and build on our journey of improvement with +0.60 in 2019, +0.41 in 2018 and +0.34 in 2017 (jumping from -0.45 in 2016). We are particularly pleased that this transformation was based on strong performance in the core subjects, such as English and Maths. We are determined to continue this positive trajectory in the years ahead.
For The Department for Education school performance data, please click on the link below:
We are delighted to share the Ofsted report from our inspection in March 2019. We have been graded:
Effectiveness of leadership and management - OUTSTANDING
"The school is led by an inspirational principal supported by a strong and effective leadership team"
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment - GOOD
"Teachers use strong subject knowledge and precise understanding of what pupils are capable of to ensure that they are challenged appropriately"
Personal development, behaviour and welfare - OUTSTANDING
"A harmonious and peaceful learning environment"
"There is a rich programme in place to support pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development"
Outcomes for pupils - GOOD
"The most able pupils in Year 11 made stronger progress than their peers nationally"
Overall effectiveness - GOOD
"Pupils conduct themselves exceptionally well around the school and in lessons. They treat each other with respect and enjoy positive and healthy relationships."
Our report can be found at The Totteridge Academy page on the Ofsted website, link below: