The Totteridge Academy is reopening its sixth form in September 2020 with a core offer of A-levels for the founding cohort of Year 12 pupils.
The sixth form is reopening following three consecutive years of improvement in GCSE results. This summer, 86% of students achieved a ‘good pass’ (Grade 4 or higher) in English and 81% in maths. The Progress 8 score of +0.6 means that students make over half a grade more progress in each subject compared to the national average which puts TTA in the top 10% of schools in the country.
Alongside a core offer of A-levels, TTA sixth formers will enjoy:
Weekly sport and wellbeing activities run by GROW
A range of extra curricular trips and visits from inspiring speakers
Expert guidance on university and apprenticeship applications
Director of Sixth Form, Natasha Lewis Smith said:
“We are so excited to welcome our founding cohort and look forward to helping them make informed, ambitious choices about their future. Our sixth formers will play an active role in the school community and will inspire younger pupils to aim high in all they do”.
A Year 11 prefect said:
“I’m excited about the sixth form reopening because it means I get to stay at the best school in London. I know I will get a high-quality education and I will get to be with my TTA family who I have come to know so well over the last five years”.
Principal Chris Fairbairn said:
“Following three years of excellent GCSE outcomes, I am delighted that we are now able to offer our pupils the chance to stay at TTA for sixth form where they will benefit from expert teaching and a supportive, close-knit community. I know our sixth formers will achieve excellent outcomes and will be wonderful role models to younger pupils”.
Next half term, Year 11s will get their first taste of sixth form life on Discovery Day – a day of taster lessons and extra-curricular activities.
For more information about the reopening of the TTA sixth form life, please contact sixthform@tta.org.uk