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The Totteridge Academy celebrates first set of A-Level results

TTA Blogger

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Sixth Formers’ hard work pays off as they secure top university offers

32% of entries achieved the top A* and A grades

Celebrations got underway at The Totteridge Academy on Thursday, as its first Year 13 cohort graduated with an excellent set of A Level results and university offers.

Despite a challenging few years due to the pandemic, an impressive 32% of entries achieved A* or A grades. Testament to students’ hard work and determination, 54% of entries received A*-B grades and 87% of entries received A*-C grades.

With a superb set of results under their belts, many of the school’s Sixth Formers have secured places at their universities of choices. Over a quarter (26%) of students are heading to the most prestigious Russell Group institutions – such as King’s College London and Newcastle University. Once there, students are set to study a range of exciting disciplines and professions, from Engineering and Law to Maths and Forensic Science.

Those Sixth Formers celebrating today include:

· Paul Irina, who achieved two A*s and one A, and will be going to the University of Bath to study Engineering;

· Leo White, who achieved two A*s and one A, and is heading to the University of Bath to read Sociology;

· Alex Rogers, who achieved two A*s and one B, and is set to study Forensic Science at Staffordshire University;

· Andres Diaz, who achieved two A*s, and has secured a place at Newcastle University to study Maths;

· Jalal De, who achieved one A* and two As, and will be studying Engineering at King’s College London;

· Monet Patel, who achieved one A*, one A and one B, and will be taking up his place at Cardiff University to read Maths;

· Diana Sarieddine, who achieved two As and one B, and will be going to Brunel University London to study Law.

Commenting on students’ achievements, Chris Fairbairn, Principal at The Totteridge Academy, said:

“Many congratulations to the founding cohort of our new Sixth Form on this excellent set of A Level results. The past few years have been filled with many challenges for our young people, yet our students have continued to put the utmost focus and effort into their studies and remained focused on their goals. Their determination has inspired us all and they should be very proud of what they have achieved.

Thank you and congratulations also to our fantastic Sixth Form team for the support and guidance they have given to our students over the past two years, providing them with the knowledge, encouragement and confidence they needed to secure their next steps. I know all of us are excited to see what our 2022 cohort achieves over the years to come and to welcoming our incoming Year 12 students to the academy next week.”


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