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Outstanding Effort and Achievement Celebrated at TTA's Evening of Excellence

TTA Blogger

Updated: Dec 3, 2021

Yesterday, The Totteridge Academy held its annual Evening of Excellence with a range of awards and prizes given to students. The school celebrated outstanding effort and achievement in academic outcomes, daily lessons at TTA, extra-curricular activities , and contributions to the school and local community.

Over 300 guests gathered in the school hall for the special ceremony including students, parents and families, school staff, Governors, and members of the local community. Students were awarded their prizes by Principal, Mr Fairbairn, and Guest Speaker, Councillor Paul Edwards.

The guests celebrated students’ successes and listened to special musical performances from pianist Raman Hawrami and the TTA School Choir.

The evening ended with an address from guest speaker, Councillor Paul Edwards, the politician and Governor of the school. Speaking at the event, Paul reminded students of the impact they can have, using the metaphor of a pebble making concentric ripples across a lake.

Chris Fairbairn, Principal of The Totteridge Academy, said: “it was phenomenal to be back together and celebrating our students’ accomplishments. They have shown such positivity and commitment to school life and are an inspirational to us all.

One student, who won an award for inclusion said he was incredibly proud of the award and to be part of a school that promotes and celebrates kindness and care.


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