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Thank you for looking into the admissions process at The Totteridge Academy.

We are delighted to have been awarded a Fair School Admissions Silver Award by the Sutton Trust.

All applications must go through Barnet admissions process:


For Secondary Transfer, 2025, should you wish to apply using Criterion 4 (Pupil Premium), please complete this form by Friday, 10th January, 2025

For any specific queries please contact

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Over-subscription Criteria

Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admission number, applications will be considered as follows:


After the admission of pupils with Education Health Care Plans (EHCP) where The Totteridge Academy is named on the EHCP, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below:

1.    Children who are “Looked after” by a Local Authority, or a child who was previously looked after but immediately following being looked after were subject to an adoption or residency order, including those from outside of England.

2.    Children with an older brother or sister currently attending The Totteridge Academy one of Years 7 to 12 and who will continue to do so in one of Years 8 to 13 on the point of admission into the Academy.

3.    Children of staff subject to either or both of the following circumstances:

a.    where the member of staff has been continuously employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made; and / or 

b.    the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

4.     Up to 60 places will be allocated to children who are in receipt of the Pupil Premium at the date of application. Priority will be given based on proximity of the applicant’s home address to the academy. The applicants will be ranked nearest to furthest.

5.    Distance from the applicant’s home address to the Academy. The distance is measured by a straight line from the address seed point (determined by Ordnance Survey data) of the child’s home address to the main school gate for students. The applicants will be ranked nearest to furthest.


Please see our admissions policy here for all details. 

Appeals Process

Appeals for children who do not get a school place for September 2025 will be heard in line with our admissions appeals process.

The deadline for submitting appeals will be 4th April, 2025. On-time appeals will be heard within 40 school days of the deadline. Appeals submitted after this date will be heard within 40 days of the appeal deadline or within 30 school days of being submitted, whichever is the latest date. Parents/carers will be notified of their appeal date by the clerk to the Independent Appeals Panel.

If you wish to appeal a place, please click here for the secondary appeal form.

Please contact if you need a paper form or have any further queries about this process.


We are delighted to share the Ofsted report from our inspection in March 2019. We have been graded:

  • Effectiveness of leadership and management - OUTSTANDING

    • "The school is led by an inspirational principal supported by a strong and effective leadership team"

  • Quality of teaching, learning and assessment - GOOD

    • "Teachers use strong subject knowledge and precise understanding of what pupils are capable of to ensure that they are challenged appropriately"

  • Personal development, behaviour and welfare - OUTSTANDING

    • "A harmonious and peaceful learning environment"​

    • "There is a rich programme in place to support pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development"

  • Outcomes for pupils - GOOD

    • "The most able pupils in Year 11 ​made stronger progress than their peers nationally"

  • Overall effectiveness - GOOD

    • "Pupils conduct themselves exceptionally well around the school and in lessons. They treat each other with respect and enjoy positive and healthy relationships."​

Our report can be found at The Totteridge Academy page on the Ofsted website, link below:

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